1.) There are several options for organizing and managing your Course Reserves List. Once you've created your list and added items, your course will become available from the Main Menu. You'll be able to see your total number of items and how many are available to be checked out:

2.) Click to "View Course." From here you can opt to be notified when your items will become available:

3.) You can also view the status of each item:
- Request Received: The request has been submitted and is pending review by staff
- In Process: Reserves Staff have begun processing this item
- Awaiting Supply by Instructor: The request has been submitted and is pending receipt by Reserves Staff. This refers to physical items supplied by the instructor; paper copies, books, etc.
- Item Available on Electronic Reserves: The request has been processed, and the item is accessible to your students electronically
- Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment: This status refers to items not owned by Hobart and William Smith Library and have been sent to the Acquisition Department for review
- Awaiting Recall Processing: The request is in use by another patron and has been recalled by Reserves Staff
- Item Available at Reserve Desk: The physical item request has been processed, the item is available on the Reserves Shelf, and is ready to be checked out by the student
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