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How To: Research With Historic Newspapers


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Newspaper Resource Text PDF Image Clip or
Article View
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African American Newspapers     article yes
Chicago Defender     article yes
Chronicling America clip yes
Early American Newspapers     article yes
The Herald (1942-    ) clip yes
The Hobart Herald (1879-1942) clip yes
Historic New York Times     article yes
Historic U.S. Northeast Collection     article yes
NYS Historic Newspapers clip yes

Tips for Saving and Citing Articles

1. Note the filename and download location for your article image. Better yet, sort your article or page images into folders, meaningfully named to accompany your research project.

2. Note any and all data needed for the citation and bibliography process at the time of download. It is much easier to find the pertinent details when you are saving articles initially than it is to retrace your steps after the fact.

3. Pair your article or page image filename with your citation data so that you remember which article goes with which set of data. Many newspaper articles lack meaningful titles and authors.

4. Find a research organization method that works for you. File managers like Zotero, cloud services like Google Drive or Evernote, and Word documents are all valid options. You are most likely to use (and use well) the system that best resonates with you.

What is a clip?

Applicable to: Chronicling America, The Herald, The Hobart Herald, NYS Historic Newspapers.

Toolbar with scissors highlighted

Select the scissors on the toolbar to save a close-up of an article or page, complete with citation details and a stable url.


clipped article from chronicling america


Citation Data to Collect

Save the following pieces of information on historic newspaper articles as part of your research process. Does every citation format need all these pieces? No, but collecting them all is good research practice and will enable you to retrace your steps, if necessary.

  1. Article title (if any)
  2. Article author (if any)
  3. Newspaper name
  4. Newspaper publishing location (example: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
  5. Publication date of the article
  6. Page and section number (if applicable) of the article
  7. Column number in which the article appears and/or begins
  8. Database article was located in (example: Chronicling America)
  9. URL of the database used
  10. Date the article was accessed