This guide will help you locate resources related to your employment here at Warren Hunting Smith Library.
Use the page tabs above to find relevant information about training and job duties.
-About the Library provides helpful ways to search for items, and an overview of library services and tasks
-Expectations includes conduct and policies appropriate for your position at the library
-Helping Patrons will give you useful links and tools to assist our patrons in most situations
-Shelving gives a how-to guide on our shelving procedures and Library of Congress info
-Emergencies lists resources and contacts for emergency situations
-Library Vocab is a helpful list of terminology used within the library
Circulation Desk- 3550
Dan Mulvey- 3012
IT Help Desk- HELP (4357)
Staff Lounge (basement)- 2821
Emergency- 3660
Security- 3656
Buildings & Grounds- 3660
*From off-campus, dial (315)-781-xxxx